Top 4 Women’s Travel Essentials

It's no surprise that I love travelling and over the years I've come up with a few travel essentials that I always take with me. Whether you're traveling long term or just going away on a more traditional...

Top tips for saving for a house deposit

In our parent’s day, saving for a house deposit was achievable. And many of them could afford to live in that house and raise kids on just one income. These days though, millennials are finding it...

Four smart tips for travelling solo

Every once in a while, we all feel a strong urge to get away from everyday life and just have some time to ourselves. Selfish as it may sound, it’s not all bad. In fact, it is quite healthy. One of the...

3 Tips for Being a Happy Expat

I've technically been an expat for a total of 4.5 years if you mean living in one place only. But I have spent the better part of the past decade overseas. I've learned so much in my time living in foreign...

My Top 3 Holiday Ideas for 2019

Are you in the planning stages for a holiday this year? No matter how far along you are, I have some tips to help you plan the best holiday ever. Here are my top 3 holiday ideas for 2019. 1. Go on a...