Adventures in Amsterdam

After the excitement of the worlds is over in September, Izy and I will embark on a grand tour of Europe. It will be my first time visiting so I am really excited to get over there and see what it’s all...

We’re Going to Portugal!

We’re planning to visit Europe in September so Ben can compete in the World Championships for Surf. They’re located in the south of France, so after traveling all that way it would make sense to stay for a...

Great Resources for Travelling as a Couple

Traveling as a couple can be challenging at times, but super rewarding. Spending almost every waking of moment with someone can be hard to get used to, but it’s also very special being able to set aside that...

Top Coupley Things to Do in Bali

By the time April rolls around I am going to be well and truly ready for a holiday. As an athlete I spend between 20-30 hours a week training. That’s 20-30 hours every week, aside from a few weeks off at the...

Top Things to do in Perth, Australia

Ben and I are heading to Perth in April for his Lifesaving competitions so we’ll be spending a week or so there. I decided to knuckle down and do some research, as neither of us have been before. Perth is...

Best Beaches in the New Zealand

As a surf lifesaver the beach is my second home. I have travelled around the country competing since I was 13. Here is a list of my favorite spots in little old New Zealand. Mt Maunganui Top of the list...

5 Travel Tips for Couples

As someone who has travelled almost extensively alone, a part of me is nervous about traveling with someone else (and a bigger part of me is excited). Traveling with another means compromise, something that I...

Best Things to do in Christchurch

Since the earthquake here in 2011, Christchurch has been a different place. Both in terms of the culture that’s developed, but also in the fact that a lot of Christchurch’s infrastructure is still damaged....